Conferences, Workshops and Courses

 The Summer School on Provable Security was held in Barcelona in September 7-11, 2009. This activity was partially supported by the E-CRYPT II Network, with the collaboration of the group MAK-UPC.

As a continuation of a series of events on Mathematical Cryptology that have taken place in the Netherlands and in Spain from 2003, the Spanish Thematic Network on Mathematics for the Information Society organized the 2008 International School on Mathematical Cryptology, ISMC 2008, with the collaboration of the group MAK-UPC.

The IACR International Workshop on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography PKC 2008 was held at the UPC Campus in Barcelona on March 9-12, 2008. Our research group was deeply involved in its organization. Carles Padró (UPC) was the General Chair and Ronald Cramer (CWI Amsterdam & Leiden University) was the Program Chair.

Eurocrypt 2007 was held in Barcelona on May 20-24, 2007. Our research group was deeply involved in its organization. Javier López (University of Málaga) and Germán Sáez (UPC) were the General Chairs and Moni Naor (Weizmann Institute of Science) was the Program Chair.

The week before Eurocrypt, the Conference on Cryptology and Digital Content Security was held at the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM). Enric Nart (UAB) and Jorge L. Villar (UPC) were the co-ordinators of this activity, while the Program Committee was formed by Ronald Cramer (CWI Amsterdam),  Touradj Ebrahimi (EPFL Lausanne), and Franck Leprévost (Université du Luxembourg). More information in the CRM web page (follow the link "Conferences and courses").

In collaboration with the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica (CRM), our group organized the CRM Research Thematic Semester on Contemporary Cryptology, from March to July 2005. In that period, a number of researchers on Cryptology visited the CRM and a weekly seminar was held. Besides, the Semester included also a Seminar on Geometric Methods in Cryptography by Gerhard Frey and other speakers (March 10-11, 2005) and a Workshop on Mathematical Problems and Techniques in Cryptology (June 20-22, 2005). More information in the CRM web page (follow the link "Research programmes" for the Semester and the link "Conferences and courses" for the workshop).

In the academic year 2003-2004, our seminar included a course entitled Issues of Provable Security and Efficiency in Cryptographic Constructions, by Professor Rosario Gennaro (T. J. Watson Research Center, New York) was held from July 1 to July 9, 2004. This course was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.

In collaboration with the Centre de Recerca Matemàtica, our group organized the Advanced Course on Contemporary Cryptology, which was held from February 2 to February 13, 2004. Speakers: Dario Catalano, Ivan Damgard, Giovanni Di Crescenzo, David Pointcheval and Tsuyoshi Takagi. Detailed information on this course is given in the CRM web page (follow the link "Conferences and courses").

In the academic year 2002-2003, our seminar included a 20 hours course by Professor Ronald Cramer entitled Topics in Contemporary Cryptography. This course was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science.

The group was involved in the organization of the III Reunión Española de Criptografía, held in Barcelona in November 1994.