List of papers

If you want a copy of any of these papers, please e-mail one of the authors. Some of these papers, as well as several unpublished works, can be downloaded from the personal pages of some of the authors. e-mail addresses and URLs can be found in the personnel page.



  • M. Fernández, J. Livieratos, S. Martín.  Combinatorial constructions of separating codes. Journal of Complexity, 86 (2025), 101906.



  • László Csirmaz, Frantisek Matús, Carles Padró. Bipartite secret sharing and staircases. Discrete Mathematics, 347 (5) (2024), 113909.
  • M. Fernández, J. Livieratos, S. Martín.  Frameproof codes, separable codes and B2 codes: Bounds and constructions. Cryptography and Communications, 16 (3) (2024), 481-506.
  • M. Fernández, J. Livieratos, S. Martín.  An algorithmic construction of union-intersection-bounded families. Theoretical Computer Science, 1018 (2024), 114817.
  • Peter B. Roenne, T. Finogina, J. Herranz.  Expanding the Toolbox: Coercion and Vote-Selling at Vote-Casting Revisited. Proceedings of e-Vote-ID 2024, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 15014 (2024), 141-157.



  • M. Fernández, G. Kabatiansky, S. Martín, C. Tavernier.  A constructive approach to multimedia codes with complete traceability resistant to δ-noise. Proceedings of IEEE Information Theory Workshop, ITW 2023, IEEE Society Press (2023), 254-259.
  • M. Fernández, J. Livieratos, S. Martín.  Bounds and Constructions of Parent Identifying Schemes via the
    algorithmic version of the Lovász Local Lemma. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 69 (11) (2023), 7049-7069.
  • T. Finogina, J. Herranz.  Coercion-Resistant Cast-as-Intended Verifiability for Computationally Limited VotersProceedings of VOTING 2023 (workshop of Financial Cryptography 2023), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13953 (2023), 34-46.
  • T. Finogina, J. Herranz. On Remote Electronic Voting with both Coercion Resistance and Cast-as-Intended VerifiabilityJournal of Information Security and Applications, to appear (2023).



  •  F. Alborch, R. Martínez, P. Morillo. R-LWE-based distributed key generation and threshold decryption. Mathematics 202210(5), 728. 
  • X. Arnal, A. Cano, T. Finogina, J. Herranz.  How to Avoid Repetitions in Lattice-based Deniable Zero-Knowledge ProofsProceedings of NordSec 2022, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13700 (2022), 253-269.



  •  M. Bamiloshin, A. Ben-Efraim, O. Farràs, C. Padró. Common information, matroid representation, and secret sharing for matroid ports. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 89 (1) (2021), 143-166.
  • T. Finogina, J. Herranz, E. Larraia. How (not) to Achieve both Coercion Resistance and Cast as Intended Verifiability in Remote eVotingProceedings of CANS 2021, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 13099 (2021), 483-491.
  •  J. Herranz, R. Martínez, M. SánchezShorter lattice-based zero-knowledge proofs for the correctness of a shuffle. Proceedings of VOTING 2021 (6th Workshop on Advances in Secure Electronic Voting Schemes),  Financial Cryptography and Data Security. FC 2021 International Workshops. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12676 (2021), 315-329.


  • O. Farràs, T. Kaced, S. Martín, C. Padró. Improving the linear programming technique in the search for lower bounds in secret sharing. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 66 (11) (2020), 7088-70100.

  • J. Herranz. Attacking pairing-free attribute-based encryption schemes. IEEE Access8 (2020), 222226-222232.


  • N.  Costa, R. Martínez, P. Morillo. Lattice-based proof of a shuffle. Proceedings of VOTING 2019 (4th Workshop on Advances in Secure Electronic Voting Schemes), FINANCIAL CRYPTOGRAPHY WORKSHOPS, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11599 (2019) 330-346. St. Kitts, 2019.

  • A. Faonio, D. Fiore, J. Herranz, C. RàfolsStructure-preserving and re-randomizable RCCA-secure public key encryption and its applicationsProceedings of ASIACRYPT 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11923 (2019), 159-190. Kobe, Japan, 2019.

  • R. Martínez, P. Morillo. RLWE-based zero-knowledge proofs for linear and multiplicative relations. Proceedings of IMA CC 2019, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11929 (2019), 252-277. Oxford, UK, 2019.



  • O. Farràs, T. Kaced, S. Martín, C. Padró. Improving the linear programming technique in the search for lower bounds in secret sharing. Proceedings of EUROCRYPT 2018, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10820 (2018), 597-621. Tel Aviv, Israel, 2018.

  • J. Herranz, G. Sáez. Secret sharing schemes for (k,n)-consecutive access structures. Proceedings of CANS'2018,  Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 11124 (2018), 463-480. Naples, Italy, 2018.



  • F. Benhamouda, J. Herranz, M. Joye, B. Libert. Efficient cryptosystems from 2k-th power residue symbols. Journal of Cryptology30 (2)  (2017), 519-549.

  • N. Costa, R. Martínez, P. Morillo. Proof of a shuffle for lattice-based cryptography. Proceedings of NORDSEC'17, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10674 (2017), 280-295. Tartu, Estonia, 2017.

  • A. Escala, G. Herold, E. Kiltz, C. Ràfols, J. Villar. An algebraic framework for Diffie-Hellman Assumptions. Journal of Cryptology30 (1)  (2017), 242-288.

  • O. Farràs, T.B. Hansen, T. Kaced, C. Padró. On the information ratio of non-perfect secret sharing schemes. Algorithmica, 79 (4) (2017), 987-1013.
  • J. Herranz. Attribute-based encryption implies identity-based encryption. IET Information Security, 11 (6) (2017), 332-337.

  • J.L. Villar. Equivalences and Black-Box Separations of Matrix Diffie-Hellman Problems. Proceedings of Public Key Cryptography (PKC 2017), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10174 (2017), 435-464. Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2017.



  • A. Escala, S. Guasch, J. Herranz, P. Morillo. Universal cast-as-intended verifiability. Proceedings of VOTING 2016 (1st Workshop on Advances in Secure Electronic Voting Schemes), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9604 (2016), 233-250. Barbados, 2016.

  • M. Fueyo, J. Herranz. On the efficiency of revocation in RSA-based anonymous systems. IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics & Security, 11 (8) (2016), 1771-1779.

  • S. Guasch, P. Morillo. How to challenge and cast your e-vote. Proceedings of FC'16 (Financial Cryptography and Data Security), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9603 (2017), 130-145. Barbados, 2016.

  • J. Herranz. Attribute-based versions of Schnorr and ElGamal. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 27 (1) (2016), 17-57.

  • S. Martín, C. Padró, A. Yang. Secret sharing, rank inequalities and information inequalities. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory, 62 (1) (2016), 599-609.

  • C. Ràfols, P. Morillo, J. Villar. The Kernel Matrix Diffie-Hellman Assumption. Proceedings of ASIACRYPT'16, Lecture Notes in Computer Science10031 (2016), 729-758. Hanoi, Vietnam, 2016.



  • I. Cascudo, R. Cramer, D. Mirandola, C. Padró, C. Xing. On secret sharing with nonlinear product reconstruction. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics, 29 (2) (2015), 1114-1131.

  • R. Cramer, C. Padró, C. Xing. Optimal algebraic manipulation detection codes in the constant-error model. Proceedings of TCC 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9014 (2015) 481-501. Warsaw, Poland, 2015.

  • A. Escala, P. Morillo, P. Bibiloni. Vote validatability in Mix-Net-based eVoting. Proceedings of VoteID 2015, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9269 (2015) 92-109. Bern, Switzerland, 2015.

  • J. Herranz, J. Nin, P. Rodríguez, T. Tassa. Revisiting distance-based record linkage for privacy-preserving release of statistical datasets. Data & Knowledge Engineering, 100 (Part A) (2015), 78-93.



  • A. Escala, J. Herranz, B. Libert, C. Ràfols. Identity-based lossy trapdoor functions: new definitions, hierarchical extensions, and implications. Proceedings of PKC 2014, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8383 (2014) 239-256. Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2014.

  • M.I. González-Vasco, A. Pérez, P. Taborda, J. Villar. Cryptanalysis of a key exchange scheme based on block matrices. Information Sciences, 276 (2014), 319-331.

  • J. Herranz. Attribute-based signatures from RSA. Theoretical Computer Science, 527 (2014), 73-82.

  • J. Herranz, J. Nin. Secure and efficient anonymization of distributed confidential databases. International Journal of Information Security, 13 (6) (2014), 497-512.

  • J. Herranz, A. Ruiz, G. Saéz. Signcryption schemes with threshold unsigncryption, and applications. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 70 (3) (2014), 323-345.

  • J. Herranz, A. Ruiz, G. Saéz. New results and applications for multi-secret sharing schemes. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 73 (3) (2014), 841-864.



  • A. Escala, G. Herold, E. Kiltz, C. Ràfols, J. Villar. An algebraic framework for Diffie-Hellman Assumptions. Proceedings of CRYPTO 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8043 (2013) 129-147. Santa Barbara, USA, 2013.

  • J. Herranz, A. Ruiz, G. Saéz. Sharing many secrets with computational provable security. Information Processing Letters, 113 (14-16) (2013), 572-579.

  • S. Martín, C. Padró, A. Yang. Secret sharing, rank inequalities and information inequalities. Proceedings of CRYPTO 2013, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 8043 (2013) 277-288. Santa Barbara, USA, 2013.

  • P. Morillo, M. Obrador. Efficient polynomial delegation under standard assumptions. Proceedings of PST 2013, IEEE Society Press (2013) 301-308. Tarragona, Spain, 2013.

  • C. Padró, L. Vázquez, A. Yang. Finding lower bounds on the complexity of secret sharing schemes by linear programming. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 161 (7-8) (2013), 1072-1084.



  • N. Attrapadung, J. Herranz, F. Laguillaumie, B. Libert, E. De Panafieu, C. Ràfols. Attribute-based encryption schemes with constant-size ciphertexts. Theoretical Computer Science, 422 (2012), 15-38.

  • O. Farràs, J. Martí-Farré, C. Padró. Ideal multipartite secret sharing schemes. Journal of Cryptology, 25 (3) (2012), 434-463.

  • O. Farràs, I. Gracia, S. Martín, C. Padró. Linear threshold multisecret sharing schemes. Information Processing Letters, 112 (17-18) (2012), 667-673.

  • D. Galindo, J. Herranz, J. Villar. Identity-based encryption with master key-dependent message security and leakage-resilience. Proceedings of ESORICS 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7459 (2012) 627-642. Pisa, Italy, 2012.

  • J. Herranz, F. Laguillaumie, B. Libert, C. Ràfols. Short attribute-based signatures for threshold predicates. Proceedings of CT-RSA 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7178 (2012) 51-66. San Francisco, USA, 2012.

  • J. Herranz, J. Nin, M. Solé. Kd-trees and the real disclosure risks of large statistical databases. Information Fusion, 13 (4) (2012), 260-273.

  • J. Herranz, J. Nin, M. Solé. More hybrid and secure protection of statistical datasets. IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 9 (5) (2012), 727-740.

  • J. Villar. Optimal reductions of some decisional problems to the Rank Problem. Proceedings of ASIACRYPT 2012, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 7658 (2012) 80-97. Beijing, China, 2012.



  • A. Escala, J. Herranz, P. Morillo. Revocable attribute-based signatures with adaptive security in the standard model. Proceedings of Africacrypt 2011, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6737 (2011) 224-241. Dakar, Sentegal, 2011.

  • S. Heidarvand, J.L. Villar. A fair and abuse-free contract signing protocol from Boneh-Boyen signature. Proceedings of EuroPKI 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6711 (2011) 125-140. Athens, Greece, 2010.

  • J. Herranz. Restricted adaptive oblivious transfer. Theoretical Computer Science, 412 (46) (2011), 6498-6506.

  • J. Herranz. Any 2-asummable bipartite function is weighted threshold. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 159 (11) (2011), 1079-1084.

  • J. Herranz, F. Laguillaumie, C. Ràfols. Relations between semantic security and anonymity in identity based encryption. Information Processing Letters, 111 (10) (2011), 453-460.

  • J. Herranz, J. Nin, M. Solé. Optimal Symbol Alignment distance: a new distance for sequences of symbols. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, 23 (10) (2011), 1541-1554.

  • J. Martí-Farré, C. Padró, L. Vázquez. Optimal complexity of secret sharing schemes with four minimal qualified subsets. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 61 (2011), 167-186.



  • C. Aguilar, P. Gaborit, J. Herranz. Additively homomorphic encryption with $d$-operand multiplications. Proceedings of CRYPTO 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6223 (2010) 138-154. Santa Barbara, USA, 2010.

  • V. Daza, J. Herranz, P. Morillo, C. Ràfols. Extensions of access structures and their cryptographic applications. Applicable Algebra in Engineering, Communication and Computing, 21 (4) (2010), 257-284.

  • G. Di Crescenzo, J. Herranz, G. Sáez. On server trust in private proxy auctions. Electronic Commerce Research Journal, 10 (3-4) (2010), 291-311.

  • O. Farràs, C. Padró. Ideal Hierarchical Secret Sharing Schemes. 7th IACR Theory of Cryptography Conference, TCC 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5978 (2010) 219-236. Zurich, Switzerland, 2010.

  • D. Galindo, J. Herranz, E. Kiltz. On the generic construction of identity-based signatures with additional properties. Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 4 (4) (2010), 453-483.

  • M.I. González-Vasco, S. Heidarvand, J.L. Villar. Anonymous Subscription Schemes - A Flexible Construction for On-line Services Access. Security and Cryptography, SECRYPT 2010, SciTePress (2010) 120-131. Athens, Greece, 2010.

  • J. Herranz, D. Hofheinz, E. Kiltz. Some (in)sufficient conditions for secure hybrid encryption. Information & Computation, 208 (11) (2010), 1243-1257.

  • J. Herranz, F. Laguillaumie, C. Ràfols. Constant size ciphertexts in threshold attribute-based encryption. 13th International Conference on Practice and Theory in Public Key Cryptography, PKC 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6056 (2010) 19-34. Paris, France, 2010.

  • J. Herranz, S. Matwin, J. Nin, V. Torra. Classifying data from protected statistical datasets. Computers & Security, 29 (8) (2010), 875-890.

  • J. Herranz, A. Ruiz, G. Sáez. Fully secure threshold unsigncryption. Proceedings of ProvSec 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6402 (2010) 261–278. Malacca, Malaysia, 2010.

  • J. Martí-Farré, C. Padró. On secret sharing schemes, matroids and polymatroids. Journal of Mathematical Cryptology, 4 (2010), 95-120.

  • J. Nin, J. Herranz, V. Torra. Using classification methods to evaluate attribute disclosure risk. Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence, MDAI 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 6408 (2010) 277-286. Perpignan, France, 2010.

  • C. Padró, L. Vázquez. Finding lower bounds on the complexity of secret sharing schemes by linear programming. 9th Latin American Theoretical Informatics Symposium, LATIN 2010, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6034 (2010) 344-355. Oaxaca, Mexico, 2010.



  • H. Chen, S. Ling, C. Padró, H. Wang, C. Xing. Key Predistribution Schemes and One-Time Broadcast Encryption Schemes from Algebraic Geometry Codes. IMA International Conference, Cryptography and Coding 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5921 (2009) 263-277. Cirencester, UK, 2009.

  • S.G. Choi, J. Herranz, D. Hofheinz, J.Y. Hwang, E. Kiltz, D.H. Lee, M. Yung. The Kurosawa–Desmedt key encapsulation is not chosen-ciphertext secure. Information Processing Letters, 109 (16) (2009), 897-901.

  • V. Daza, J. Herranz, G. Sáez. Flaws in some self-healing key distribution schemes with revocation. Information Processing Letters, 109 (11) (2009), 523-526.

  • O. Farràs, I. Gracia, S. Martín, C. Padró. Linear Threshold Multisecret Sharing Schemes. International Conference on Information Theoretic Security 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5973 (2010) 110-126. Shizuoka, Japan, 2009.

  • O. Farràs, J.R. Metcalf-Burton, C. Padró, L. Vázquez. On the Optimization of Bipartite Secret Sharing Schemes. International Conference on Information Theoretic Security 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5973 (2010) 93-109. Shizuoka, Japan, 2009.

  • S. Heidarvand, J.L. Villar. Public Verifiability from Pairings in Secret Sharing Schemes. Selected Areas in Cryptography 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5381 (2009) 294-308. Sackville NB, Canada, 2008.

  • J. Herranz. On the transferability of private signatures. Information Sciences, 179 (11) (2009) 1647-1656.

  • J. Herranz. Ideal homogeneous access structures constructed from graphs. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 15 (14) (2009), 2881-2893.

  • J. Herranz, J. Nin. Partial Symbol Ordering Distance. Modeling Decisions for Artificial Intelligence, MDAI 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5861 (2009) 293-302. Awaji Island, Japan, 2009.

  • J. Herranz, J. Nin, V. Torra. Distributed privacy-preserving methods for statistical disclosure control. Data Privacy Management, DPM 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5939 (2010) 33-47. Saint Malo, France, 2009.

  • I. Jiménez-Calvo, J. Herranz, G. Sáez. A new algorithm to search for small nonzero $|x^3-y^2|$ values. Mathematics of Computation, 78 (268) (2009) 2435-2444.

  • J. Martí-Farré, C. Padró. Ideal secret sharing schemes whose minimal qualified subsets have at most three participants. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 52 (1) (2009), 1-14.

  • P. Morillo, C. Ràfols. The Security of All Bits Using List Decoding. Public Key Cryptography 2009, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 5443 (2009) 15-33. Irvine, USA, 2009.

  • T. Tassa, J.L. Villar. On proper secrets, $(t,k)$-bases and linear codes. Designs, Codes and Cryptography, 52 (2) (2009), 129-154.



International Journals and Conferences

  • A. Beimel, N. Livne, C. Padró. Matroids Can Be Far From Ideal Secret Sharing. Fifth IACR Theory of Cryptography Conference TCC 2008, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4948 (2008) 194-212. New York, USA, 2008.

  • R. Cramer, V. Daza, I. Gracia, J. Jiménez Urroz, G. Leander, J. Martí-Farré, C. Padró. On Codes, Matroids and Secure Multi-party Computation from Linear Secret Sharing Schemes. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 54 (6) (2008) 2644-2657.

  • R. Cramer, Y. Dodis, S. Fehr, C. Padró, D. Wichs. Detection of Algebraic Manipulation with Applications to Robust Secret Sharing and Fuzzy Extractors. Advances in Cryptology, Eurocrypt 2008. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4965 (2008) 471-488. Istanbul, Turkey, 2008.

  • V. Daza, J. Herranz, G. Sáez. On the Computational Security of a Distributed Key Distribution Scheme. IEEE Transactions on Computers 57 (8) (2008) 1087-1097.

  • V. Daza, J. Herranz, P. Morillo, C. Ràfols. Ad-hoc threshold broadcast encryption with shorter ciphertexts. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 192 (2) (2008) 3-15.

  • J. Martí-Farré, C. Padró, L. Vázquez. On the Diameter of Matroid Ports. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 15 (1) (2008) Note 72, 9 pp. (electronic).

  • D. Galindo, P. Morillo, C. Ràfols. Improved Certificate-Based Encryption in the Standard Model. Journal of Systems and Software 81 (7) (2008) 1218-1226.

  • M.I. González-Vasco, J.L. Villar. In Search of Mathematical Primitives for Deriving Universal Projective Hash Families. Appl. Algebra Eng. Commun. Comput. 19 (2) (2008) 161-173.


National Journals and Conferences

  • A. Cheragi, O. Farràs, C. Padró, L. Vázquez. On the Optimization of Bipartite Secret Sharing Schemes. Actas de la X Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, pp. 201-208. Salamanca, 2008.

  • J. Herranz, A. Ruiz, G. Sáez. Esquemas de Firma Digital con Verificación Distribuida. Actas de la X Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, pp. 209-216. Salamanca, 2008.

  • J. Martí-Farré, C. Padró. Matroid Ports with Rank Three.  VI Jornadas de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica. Lleida, 2008.

  • P. Morillo, C. Ràfols. Sobre la Probabilidad de Éxito de Dos Preguntas Relacionadas. Actas de la X Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, pp. 181-186. Salamanca, 2008.

  •  P. Morillo, C. Ràfols, A. Watson. Reproving the Hardness of the Bits in $ax + b mod p$. VI Jornadas de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica. Lleida, 2008.



International Journals and Conferences

  • R. Cramer, E. Kiltz, C. Padró. A Note on Secure Computation of the Moore-Penrose Pseudoinverse and Its Application to Secure Linear Algebra. Advances in Cryptology, Crypto 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4622 (2007) 613-630. Santa Barbara, California, USA, 2007.

  • V. Daza, P. Morillo, C. Ràfols. On Dynamic Distribution of Private Keys over MANETs. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 171 (1) (2007) 33-41.

  • V. Daza, J. Herranz, P. Morillo, C. Ràfols. Cryptographic Techniques for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. Computer Networks 51 (18) (2007) 4938-4950.

  • V. Daza, J. Herranz, P. Morillo, C. Ràfols. CCA2-Secure Threshold Broadcast Encryption with Shorter Ciphertexts. Provable Security, First International Conference, ProvSec 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4784 (2007) 35-50. Wollongong, Australia, 2007.

  • O. Farràs, J. Martí-Farré, C. Padró. Ideal Multipartite Secret Sharing Schemes. Advances in Cryptology, Eurocrypt 2007. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4515 (2007) 448-465. Barcelona, Spain, 2007.

  • M. Heymann, C. Padró. Some Strategies to Find Self-Dual Representations of Identically Self-Dual Matroids. International Workshop on Coding and Cryptography WCC 2007. Versailles, France, 2007.

  • J. Martí-Farré. A note on secret sharing schemes with three homogeneous access structure. Information Processing Letters 154 (2007) 133-137.

  • J. Martí-Farré, C. Padró. On Secret Sharing Schemes, Matroids and Polymatroids. Fourth IACR Theory of Cryptography Conference TCC 2007, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4392 (2007) 273-290. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2007.



International Journals and Conferences

  • Vanesa Daza, Paz Morillo, Carla Ràfols. On Dynamic Distribution of Private Keys over MANETs. Second Workshop on Cryptography for Ad-hoc Networks, WCAN 2006. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 171 33-41 (2007). Venice, Italy, 2006.

  • D. Galindo, P. Morillo, C. Ràfols. Breaking Yum and Lee Generic Constructions of Certificate-Less and Certificate-Based Encryption Schemes. Third European PKI Workshop: Theory and Practice, EuroPKI 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4043 (2006) 81-91. Turin, Italy,  2006.

  • M.I. González Vasco, R. Steinwandt, J. L. Villar. Towards Provable Security for Cryptographic Constructions Arising from Combinatorial Group Theory. In Algebraic Methods in Cryptography, Contemporary Mathematics 418 (2006) 89-102.

  • J. Herranz, G. Sáez. Distributed ring signatures from general dual access structures. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 40 (2006) 103-120.

  • J. Herranz, G. Sáez. New results on multipartite access structures. IEE Proceedings on Information Security 153 (2006) 153-162.

  • J. Martí-Farré, C. Padró. Ideal secret sharing schemes whose minimal qualified subsets have at most three participants. Fifth Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks, SCN 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4116 (2006) 201-215. Maiori, Italy, 2006.

  • J. Martí-Farré, C. Padró. Secret sharing schemes on access structures with intersection number equal to one. Discrete Applied Mathematics 154 (2006) 552-563.

  • C. Padró, I. Gracia. Representing small identically self-dual matroids by self-dual codes. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 20 (2006) 1046-1055.

  • P. Paillier, J. L. Villar. Trading One-Wayness Against Chosen-Ciphertext Security in Factoring-Based Encryption. Advances in Cryptology - ASIACRYPT 2006Lecture Notes in Computer Science 4284 (2006) 252-266. Shanghai, China, 2006.


National Journals and Conferences

  • O. Farràs, C. Padró. Constructing Linear Multisecret Threshold Schemes. Actas de la IX Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, pp. 182-198. Barcelona, 2006.

  • M. Heymann, C. Padró. On Identically Self-Dual Matroids and Self-Dual Codes: the Rank 5 Case. Actas de la IX Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, pp. 287-297. Barcelona, 2006.

  • J. Martí-Farré, C. Padró, L. Vázquez. Secret Sharing Schemes with Four Minimal Authorized Subsets. Actas de la IX Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, pp. 199-211. Barcelona, 2006.

  • J. Martí-Farré, C. Padró, L. Vázquez. Puertos de matroides y estructuras de acceso de los esquemas ideales de compartición de secretos.  V Jornadas de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica, pp. 343-350. Soria, 2006.

  • P. Morillo, C. Ràfols, R. Soler. Seguridad del último bit del mensaje del esquema de S-Paillier. V Jornadas de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica, pp. 367-374. Soria, 2006.

  • G. Sáez. Mejoras y nuevos modelos en esquemas para distribución de claves autoreparables. Actas de la IX Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, pp. 47-62. Barcelona, 2006.

  • J.L Villar. Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing from Homomorphic Encryption for a General Access Structure. Actas de la IX Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, pp. 170-181. Barcelona, 2006.




International Journals and Conferences

  • R. Cramer, V. Daza, I. Gracia, J. Jiménez Urroz, G. Leander, J. Martí-Farré, C. Padró. On codes, matroids and secure multi-party computation from linear secret sharing schemes.  Advances in Cryptology - CRYPTO 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3621 (2005) 327-343. Santa Barbara, California, USA, 2005.

  • D. Galindo, S. Martín, P. Morillo, J.L. Villar. Fujisaki-Okamoto hybrid encryption revisited. International Journal of Information Security 4(4) 228-241 (2005).

  • D. Galindo, S. Martín, J. L. Villar. The security of PSEC-KEM versus ECIES-KEM. In Proceedings of 26th Symposium on Information Theory in the BeNeLux, pp. 17-27. Brussels, Belgium (2005) .

  • D. Galindo, J.L. Villar. An instantiation of the Cramer-Shoup encryption paradigm using bilinear map groups. Workshop on Mathematical Problems and Techniques in Cryptology, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain (2005).

  • M.I. González Vasco, C. Martínez, R. Steinwandt, J. L. Villar. A New Cramer-Shoup Like Methodology for Group Based Provably Secure Encryption Schemes. Theory of Cryptography, Second Theory of Cryptography Conference, TCC 2005. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3378 (2005) 495-509. Cambridge, Massachusets, USA, 2005.

  • J. Martí-Farré, C. Padró. Secret sharing schemes with three or four minimal qualified subsets. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 34 (2005) 17-34.

  • P. Morillo, C. Ràfols. A new Certificate-Based Encryption Chosen Ciphertext Secure. Western European Workshop on Research in Cryptology WeWoRC 2005. Leuven-Heverlee, Belgium, 2005.

  • A. Ruiz, J.L. Villar. An Homomorphic Scheme for Publicly Verifiable Secret Sharing. Western European Workshop on Research in Cryptology WeWoRC 2005. Leuven-Heverlee, Belgium, 2005.

  • G. Sáez. Self-Healing Key Distribution Schemes with Sponsorization. 9th. Conference on Communications  and Multimedia Security - IFIP - CMS 2005, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3677 (2005) 22-31. Salzburg, Austria, 2005.

  • G. Sáez. On Threshold Self-Healing Key Distribution Schemes. 10th IMA International Conference on Cryptography and Coding, Lecture Notes in Computer  Science 3796 (2005) 340-354. Cirencester, UK, 2005.




International Journals and Conferences

  • C. Blundo, P. D'Arco, V. Daza, C. Padró. Bounds and Constructions for Unconditionally Secure Distributed Key Distribution Schemes for General Access Structures. Theoretical Computer Science 302 (2004) 269-291.

  • C. Blundo, S. Martín, B. Masucci, C. Padró. A Linear Algebraic Approach to Metering Schemes. Designs, Codes and Cryptography 33 (2004) 241-260.

  • G. Di Crescenzo, J. Herranz, G. Sáez. Enhancing server integrity in private proxy auctions. Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Trust and Privacy in Digital Business (TrustBus '04), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3184 (2004) 80-89. Zaragoza, Spain, 2004.

  • V. Daza, J. Herranz, G. Sáez. Protocols useful on the Internet from distributed signature schemes. International Journal of Information Security 3 (2004) 61-69.

  • D. Galindo, S. Martín, T. Takagi, J.L. Villar. A Provably Secure Elliptic Curve Scheme with Fast Encryption. Progress in Cryptology - INDOCRYPT '04, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3348 (2004) 245-259. Chennai, India, December 2004.

  • J. Herranz. A formal proof of security of Zhang and Kim's ID-based ring signature scheme. Proceedings of the 2nd International Workshop on Security In Information Systems, WOSIS'04, pp. 63--72. Porto, Portugal, 2004.

  • J. Herranz, G. Sáez. Revisiting fully distributed proxy signatures. Progress in Cryptology - INDOCRYPT '04, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3348 (2004) 356-370. Chennai, India, December 2004.

  • J. Herranz, G. Sáez. New identity-based ring signature schemes. International Conference on Information and Communications Security, ICICS'04. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3269 (2004) 27-39. Malaga, Spain, 2004.

  • J. Herranz, G. Sáez. Ring signatures for ad-hoc general access structures. Security in Ad-hoc and Sensor Networks, ESAS 2004. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3313 (2004) 54-65. Heidelberg, Germany, 2004.

  • J. Herranz, J.L. Villar. An unbalanced protocol for group key exchange. Proceedings of the 1st Conference on Trust and Privacy in Digital Business, TrustBus'04, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 3184 (2004) 172-180. Zaragoza, Spain, 2004.

  • J. Martí-Farré, C. Padró. Secret sharing schemes on sparse homogeneous access structures with rank three. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 11 (1) (2004) Research Paper 72, 16 pp. (electronic).

  • C. Padró, I. Gracia, S. Martín. Improving the trade-off between storage and communication in  broadcast encryption schemes. Discrete Applied Mathematics 143 (2004) 213-220.

National Journals and Conferences

  • M. Breitman, C. Gete, P. Morillo, J.L. Villar. Aplicación del doble cifrado a la custodia de claves. Actas de la VIII Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, pp. 33-36. Leganés, 2004.

  • V. Daza, G. Di Crescenzo, J. Herranz, G. Sáez. Algunas estructuras de acceso multipartitas ideales. Actas de la VIII Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, pp. 205-213. Leganés, 2004.

  • S. Egido, J. Jiménez Urroz, S. Martín. A semantically secure knapsack cryptosystem. Actas de la VIII Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, pp. 3-11. Leganés, 2004.

  • D. Galindo, S. Martín, P. Morillo, J.L. Villar. Un nuevo esquema RSA híbrido. Actas de la VIII Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, pp. 251-257. Leganés, 2004.

  • D. Galindo, S. Martín, J.L. Villar. Efficient and secure elliptic curve cryptosystem from point doubling. Actas de la VIII Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, pp. 45-53. Leganés, 2004.

  • D. Galindo, J.L. Villar. Modified Paillier scheme revisited. Actas de la VIII Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, pp. 235-240. Leganés, 2004.

  • M.I. González Vasco, C. Martínez López, R. Steinwandt, J. L. Villar. On provabley secure encryption schemes based on non-abelian groups. Actas de la VIII Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, pp. 101-111. Leganés, 2004.

  • J. Herranz, G. Sáez. Distributed key generation for ID-based schemes. Actas de la VIII Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, pp. 215-223. Leganés, 2004.

  • J. Martí-Farré. A note on secret sharing schemes with 3-homogeneous access structure. Actas de la VIII Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, pp. 21-32. Leganés, 2004.

  • J. Martí-Farré, C. Padró. Problemas abiertos en Teoría de Matroides procedentes de la Criptografía. Actas de las IV Jornadas de Matemática Discreta y Algorítmica, pp. 87-94. Cercedilla, 2004.

  • C. Padró, I. Gracia. Los matroides idénticamente autoduales con ocho puntos son representables mediante códigos autoduales. Actas de la VIII Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, pp. 93-100. Leganés, 2004.




International Journals and Conferences

  • C. Blundo, P. D'Arco, C. Padró. A Ramp Model for Distributed Key Distribution Schemes. Discrete Applied Mathematics 128 (2003) 47-64.

  • V. Daza, J. Herranz, G. Sáez. Constructing general dynamic group key distribution schemes with decentralized user join. Proceedings of the Australasian Conference on Information Security, Privacy, ACISP 2003. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2727 (2003) 464-475. Wollongong, Australia, 2003.

  •  V. Daza, J. Herranz, G. Sáez. Some protocols useful on the Internet from threshold signature schemes. Workshop on Trust, Privacy in Digital Business (TrustBus '03). Prague, Czech Republic, 2003.

  • D. Galindo, S. Martín, P. Morillo, J.L. Villar. A Practical Public Key Cryptosystem from Paillier, Rabin Schemes. Public Key Cryptography 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2567 (2003) 279-291.

  • D. Galindo, S. Martín, P. Morillo, J.L. Villar. An efficient semantically secure elliptic curve cryptosystem based on KMOV. International Workshop on Coding, Cryptography WCC 2003. Versailles, France, 2003.

  • D. Galindo, S. Martín, P. Morillo, J.L. Villar. An IND-CPA cryptosystem from Demytko's primitive. 2003 IEEE Information Theory Workshop. La Sorbonne, Paris, France, 2003.

  • D. Galindo, S. Martín, P. Morillo, J.L. Villar. Easy verifiable primitives, practical public key cryptosystems. Information Security Conference (ISC'03), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2851 (2003) 69-83. Bristol, United Kingdom, 2003.

  • J. Herranz, C. Padró, G. Sáez. Distributed RSA signature schemes for general access structures. Information Security Conference (ISC'03), Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2851 (2003) 123-137. Bristol, United Kingdom, 2003.

  • J. Herranz, G. Sáez. Verifiable Secret Sharing for General Access Structures, with Application to Fully Distributed Proxy Signatures. Financial Cryptography 2003, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2742 (2003) 286-302. Guadeloupe, France, 2003.

  • J. Herranz, G. Sáez. Forking lemmas for ring signature schemes. Indocrypt'03, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2904 (2003) 266-279.

  • J. Martí-Farré, C. Padró. Secret sharing schemes on sparse homogeneous access structures with rank three. International Workshop on Coding, Cryptography WCC 2003. Versailles, France, 2003.

  • C. Padró, I. Gracia, S. Martín, P. Morillo. Linear broadcast encryption schemes. Discrete Applied Mathematics 128 (2003) 223-238.

  • G. Sáez. Generation of Key Predistribution Schemes using Secret Sharing Schemes. Discrete Applied Mathematics 128 (2003) 239-249.




International Journals and Conferences

  • C. Blundo, S. Martín, B. Masucci, C. Padró. New bounds on the communication complexity of metering schemes. 2002 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. Lausanne, Switzerland, p. 438 (2002).

  • S. Cabello, C. Padró, G. Sáez. Secret sharing schemes with detection of cheaters for a general access structure. Designs, Codes, Cryptography 25 (2002) 175-188.

  • V. Daza, J. Herranz, C. Padró, G. Sáez. A distributed, computationally secure key distribution scheme. Information Security Conference, ISC'02. Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2433 (2002) 342-356. Sao Paulo, Brasil, 2002.

  • J. Martí-Farré, C. Padró. Secret sharing schemes on access structures with intersection number equal to one. Third Conference on Security in Communication Networks '02, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2576 (2003) 354-363. Amalfi, Italy, 2002.

  • C. Padró, I. Gracia, S. Martín, P. Morillo. Linear key predistribution schemes. Designs, Codes, Cryptography 25 (2002) 281-298.

  • C. Padró, G. Sáez. On taking cube roots in Zm. Applied Mathematics Letters 15 (2002) 703-708.

  • C. Padró, G. Sáez. Lower bounds on the information rate of secret sharing schemes with homogeneous access structure. Information Processing Letters 83 (2002) 345-351.

  • M. Valls, J.L. Villar. Distributed Virtual Safe-Deposit Box. IEICE Transactions on Information, Systems, Vol. E85-D No.4 (2002) 786-788.

National Journals and Conferences

  • V. Daza, C. Padró. On adding verifiability to general linear secret sharing schemes, to distributed key distribution schemes. In Actas de la VII Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, Oviedo, 179-191, 2002.

  • D. Galindo, S. Martín, P. Morillo, J.L. Villar. An efficient semantically secure elliptic curve Paillier based cryptosystem. In Actas de la VII Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, Oviedo, 281-292, 2002.

  • J. Herranz, C. Padró, G. Sáez, M. Serra. Esquemas distribuidos de firma digital para estructuras de acceso generales. In Actas de la VII Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, Oviedo, 401-413, 2002.

  • J. Martí-Farré, C. Padró. Secret sharing schemes with few minimal qualified subsets. In Actas de la VII Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, Oviedo, 499-511, 2002.

  • S. Martín, J. Saludes, M. Dalmau. Exámenes de tipo test con el criptosistema knapsack. In Actas de la VII Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, Oviedo, 513-525, 2002.

  • C. Padró, I. Gracia, S. Martín, P. Morillo. Problemas de optimización en esquemas de emisiones cifradas. In Actas de la VII Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, Oviedo, 685-697, 2002.

  • M. Valls, J.L. Villar. Efficiency of dynamic secret sharing schemes seen as threshold cryptosystems. In Actas de la VII Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, Oviedo, 817-827, 2002.




International Journals and Conferences

  • C. Blundo, P. D'Arco, V. Daza, C. Padró. Bounds, Constructions for Unconditionally Secure Distributed Key Distribution Schemes for General Access Structures. Information Security Conference ISC'01 Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2200 (2001) 1-17. Malaga, Spain, 2001.

  • C. Blundo, P. D'Arco, C. Padró. A Ramp Model for Distributed Key Distribution Schemes. International Workshop on Coding, Cryptography WCC 2001. Paris, France, 2001.

  • I. Jiménez, G. Sáez. Approximate Power Roots in Zm. Information Security Conference ISC'01, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 2200 (2001) 310-323. Malaga, Spain, 2001.

  • S. Martín, P. Morillo, J.L. Villar. Computing the order of points on an elliptic curve modulo N is as difficult as factoring N. Applied Mathematics Letters 14 (2001) 341-346.

  • C. Padró, I. Gracia, S. Martín, P. Morillo. Linear Broadcast Encryption Schemes. International Workshop on Coding, Cryptography WCC 2001. Paris, France, 2001.

  • G. Sáez. Generation of Key Predistribution Schemes using Secret Sharing Schemes. International Workshop on Coding, Cryptography WCC 2001. Paris, France, 2001.



International Journals and Conferences

  • C. Padró, I. Gracia, S. Martín, P. Morillo. Secure relationships with key predistribution schemes. In Proceedings of the World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, Informatics SCI 2000, Orlando, USA, 526-531, 2000.

  • C. Padró, G. Sáez. A basic tool in key management: secret sharing schemes. In Proceedings of the World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics, Informatics SCI 2000, Orlando, USA, 532-536, 2000.

  • C. Padró, G. Sáez. Secret sharing schemes with bipartite access structure. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 46 (2000) 2596-2605.

National Journals and Conferences

  • V. Daza. Computación Multiparte y Firmas Digitales Distribuidas. En Proceedings de les II Jornades de Matemàtica Discreta i Algorísmica, Palma de Mallorca, 45--47, 2000.

  • V. Daza, C. Padró. Esquemas para compartir secretos con multiplicación. In Actas de la VI Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, Tenerife, 159-169, 2000.

  • C. Padró, I. Gracia, S. Martín, P. Morillo. Nuevas familias de esquemas de predistribución de claves. In Actas de la VI Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, Tenerife, 409-416, 2000.

  • C. Padró, G. Sáez. Tasa de información de los esquemas para compartir secretos con estructura homogénea de rango 3. In Actas de la VI Reunión Española de Criptología y Seguridad de la Información, Tenerife, 170-179, 2000.

  • G. Sáez, P. Morillo. Líneas de trabajo en el Grupo de Matemática Aplicada a la Criptografía de la UPC. In Proceedings de les II Jornades de Matemàtica Discreta i Algorísmica, Palma de Mallorca, 85--88, 2000.



International Journals and Conferences

  • S. Cabello, C. Padró, G. Sáez. Secret sharing schemes with detection of cheaters for a general access structure. In Proceedings of the 12th International Symposium on Fundamentals of Computation Theory, FCT '99, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1684 (1999) 185-193. Iasi, Romania, 1999.

  • S. Martín, P. Morillo, I. Gracia. Broadcast encryption. Internacional Meeting on Coding Theory, Cryptography. Medina del Campo, Spain, 1999.

  • P. Morillo, C. Padró, G. Sáez, J.L. Villar. Weighted threshold secret sharing schemes.  Information Processing Letters, 70 (1999)211-216.

  • C. Padró, G. Sáez. Bounds on the information rate of secret sharing schemes with rank 3 homogeneous access structure. 5th International Symposium on Communications Theory, Applications. Ambleside, UK, 1999.

  • C. Padró, G. Sáez, J.L. Villar. Detection of cheaters in vector space secret sharing schemes. Designs, Codes, Cryptography, 16 (1999) 75-85.

  • M. Valls, J.L. Villar, E. Márquez.Efficient on-line secret sharing. Internacional Meeting on Coding Theory, Cryptography. Medina del Campo, Spain, 1999.

  • M. Valls, J.L. Villar, E. Márquez. Efficient on-line secret sharing with few public information.  Second Workshop on Security in Communication Networks. Amalfi, Italy, 1999.



International Journals and Conferences

  • C. Marco, P. Morillo. An elliptic curve authentication protocol for digital mobile communication networks. 6th International Conference on Telecommunications Systems, Nashville, USA, 1998.

  • S. Martín, P. Morillo, I. Gracia, P. Martín. A variant of Goldwasser-Kilian's primality test. 6th International Conference on Telecommunications Systems, Nashville, USA, 1998.

  • C. Padró. Robust vector space secret sharing schemes. Information Processing Letters, 68 (1998) 107-111.

  • C. Padró, G. Sáez. Secret sharing schemes with bipartite access structure. In Advances in Cryptology - EUROCRYPT'98, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 1403 (1998) 500-511. Helsinki, Finland, 1998.

  • C. Padró, G. Sáez. Lower bounds on the information rate of secret sharing schemes with homogeneous access structure. In Proceedings of the MFCS'98 Workshop on Communication, Brno, Czech Republic, 1998, 29-36.

National Journals and Conferences

  • C. Marco, P. Morillo. Autentificación extremo a extremo en redes de comunicación móviles. XIII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, URSI'98, Pamplona, 1998.

  • S. Martín, P. Morillo, I. Gracia. Estructura de grupo en curvas elípticas sobre anillos $Z_N$. Primeres Jornades de Matemàtica Discreta i Algorísmica, Barcelona, 62-64, 1998.

  • P. Morillo. Un grupo de investigación: Matemática Aplicada a la Criptografía. Primeres Jornades de Matemàtica Discreta i Algorísmica, Barcelona, 74-76, 1998.

  • S. Martín, P. Morillo, J.L.Villar. Calcular el orden de puntos en curvas elípticas módulo N es tan difícil como factorizar. Actas de la V Reunión española sobre Criptografía, Málaga, 1998.

  • C. Padró, G. Sáez. Problemas relacionados con la tasa de información de los esquemas para compartir secretos. Primeres Jornades de Matemàtica Discreta i Algorísmica, Barcelona, 78-80, 1998.

  • C. Padró, G. Sáez, J.L. Villar. Esquemas para compartir secretos con detección de tramposos para una estructura general. Actas de la V Reunión española sobre Criptografía, Málaga, 289-295, 1998.

  • C. Padró, G. Sáez, A. Zamora. Generación de sucesiones pseudoaleatorias mediante la función cúbica en el conjunto de los enteros módulo N. Actas de la V Reunión española sobre Criptografía, 373-379, Málaga, 1998.



International Journals and Conferences

  • A. Daniel, V.Torres, J.L.Villar. Parallelizing the RSA operator. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Theory, Applications of Cryptology, PRAGOCRYPT'96, Prague, 1996, 67-75.

  • C. Marco, P. Morillo. A new algorithm for Smart Cards. In Mobile Communications. Technology, Tools,  Applications,  Authentication, Security. IFIP World Conference on Mobile Communications, IFIP'96, Canberra 1996, 301-308.

  • C. Marco, P. Morillo. A new protocol for key distribution, authentication for mobile digital communications. In Proceedings of International Worshop on Mobile Communications, IWMC'96, Thessaloniki, Greece, 1996, 172-174.

  • C. Marco, P. Morillo. New signature scheme with message recovery.Fifth International Conference on Telecommunications Systems, Nashville, USA, 1996.

  • C. Marco, P. Morillo. A new public key system based on the discrete logarithm problem. Mediterranean Worshop on Coding, Information Integrity, Palma de Mallorca, 1996.

  • S. Martín, P. Morillo, I. Gracia. A variant of Goldwasser-Kilian primality test. Mediterranean Workshop on Coding, Information Integrity, Palma de Mallorca, 1996.

  • S.Martín, P.Morillo, I.Gracia. A primality test based on elliptic curves, on a Gauss algorithm. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Theory, Applications of Cryptology, PRAGOCRYPT'96, Prague, 1996, 87-92.

  • C. Padró, G. Sáez, J.L. Villar. Bounds on the information rate of weighted threshold schemes. Mediterranean Workshop on Coding, Information Integrity, Palma de Mallorca, 1996.

  • C. Padró, G. Sáez, J.L. Villar. Detection of cheaters in vector space secret sharing schemes. In Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on the Theory, Applications of Cryptology, PRAGOCRYPT'96, Prague, 1996, 359-369.

National Journals and Conferences

  • C. Marco, P. Morillo. Un algoritmo criptográfico versátil y eficiente adecuado para tarjetas inteligentes. Actas de la IV Reunión española sobre Criptografía, Valladolid, 1996.

  • S. Martín, P. Morillo, I. Gracia. Una variante del test de primalidad de Goldwasser-Kilian. Actas de la IV Reunión española sobre Criptografía, Valladolid, 1996.

  • C. Padró, G. Sáez, J.L. Villar. Detección de tramposos en esquemas para compartir secretos de tipo vectorial. Actas de la IV Reunión española sobre Criptografía, Valladolid, 59-65, 1996.



International Journals and Conferences

  • S. Martín, P. Morillo, I. Gracia. A primality test using elliptic curves. Workshop on Security, Safety, Dependability of Telecommunications Services, Brussels, 1995.

  • G. Sáez, C. Padró, J.L. Villar, P. Morillo. Weighted threshold secret sharing schemes. XV British Comb. Conf., Stirling, Scotland 1995.

National Journals and Conferences

  • C. Marco, P. Morillo. Un nuevo método de distribución de claves basado en el problema del logaritmo discreto. X Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, URSI'95, Valladolid, 1995.

  • S. Martín, P. Morillo, I. Gracia. Nuevos tests de primalidad basados en curvas elípticas. X Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, URSI'95, Valladolid, 1995.

  • C. Padró, J.L. Villar, G. Sáez, P. Morillo. Esquemas de umbral con pesos para compartir secretos. X Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, URSI'95, Valladolid, 1143-1145, 1995.



International Journals and Conferences

  • C. Marco, P. Morillo. The use of Elliptic Curves in Smart Cards. In Proceedings 13th World Computer Congress, IFIP'94, IFIP-Transactions-A-(Computer-Science-and-Technology), A-51 (1994) 271-275, Hamburg, Germany, 1994.

National Journals and Conferences

  • M. Breitman, P. Morillo, J.L. Villar. Implementación de un criptosistema tipo Knapsack de alta densidad. IX Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, URSI'94, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1994.

  • C. Marco, P. Morillo. Protocolo de cifrado y autentificación basado en el logaritmo discreto. III Reunión Española de Criptografía, Barcelona, 1994.

  • C. Marco, P. Morillo, A. González. Algoritmos criptográficos para tarjetas inteligentes. IX Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, URSI'94, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, 1994.



National Journals and Conferences

  • M. Breitman, I. Gracia. Sistemas criptográficos basados en códigos lineales. VIII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, URSI'93, València, 1993.

  • C. Marco, P. Morillo, A. González. Curvas Elípticas en característica 2 para criptosistemas de clave pública. VIII Simposium Nacional de la Unión Científica Internacional de Radio, URSI'93, València, 1993.



National Journals and Conferences

  • A. González, P. Morillo. Construcción de curvas criptográficamente útiles. II Reunión Española de Criptografía, Madrid, 1992.